Our Competencies

Key Features For your Data Analytics

All Data International believes that Data is the new oil that can drive business to be more productive, efficient, agile, and successful. We deliver all the needed data services that can help our customers achieve better and on target, using the right methodology, by the right people with the right technology and experiences.


Data Engineering & Integration

Our Data Engineering & Integration expertise forms the foundation of your data-driven journey. Leveraging industry-leading tools such as Talend and Qlik, we seamlessly connect and transform your data from diverse sources, ensuring its accuracy and reliability.

Talend enables us to design and manage robust data pipelines with ease, integrating data from a myriad of sources to ensure consistency and optimize processing efficiency. This ensures a unified and comprehensive view of your organization's information landscape. With Talend's powerful data integration capabilities, we focus on data quality and reliability, enabling your organization to make well-informed decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information.

Our skilled data engineers further enhance this foundation with Qlik. One of it is Qlik Replicate which simplifies and accelerates data replication across a wide range of databases, data warehouses, and big data platforms. It ensures real-time data availability with minimal latency, enabling seamless data movement and synchronization. The other product is Qlik Enterprise Manager to provides a centralized platform for managing, monitoring, and orchestrating data replication processes. It enhances operational efficiency and visibility, allowing you to manage large-scale data integration projects with confidence and ease.

By combining the strengths of Talend and Qlik within our Data Engineering & Integration services, we empower you to harness the full potential of your data, transforming it into a strategic asset. This integrated approach forms the backbone of a robust data ecosystem, paving the way for data-driven success and unlocking opportunities for growth. With our comprehensive capabilities, we ensure that your data journey is seamless, reliable, and poised to drive informed decision-making and sustainable success.

Big Data

Real-Time Data Processing

In today's fast-paced business environment, real-time insights are paramount. Our Real-time Data Processing solutions, powered by Confluent and Hasura, enable you to monitor and analyze data as it streams in, empowering you to make immediate and impactful decisions to seize opportunities as they arise, address challenges proactively, and maintain a competitive edge in a rapidly changing market.

Confluent, built on Apache Kafka, provides a robust platform for real-time data streaming and integration, ensuring that your data flows seamlessly across your organization. With Confluent, we enable high-throughput, fault-tolerant, and scalable data pipelines that deliver real-time insights and support critical business applications.

Complementing this, Hasura offers a powerful and flexible GraphQL engine that provides instant real-time APIs on your data. Hasura allows for rapid data access and integration, enabling dynamic and responsive data querying capabilities. This empowers your teams to interact with live data effortlessly, enhancing the agility and responsiveness of your operations.

Through cutting-edge technologies and advanced analytics, we deliver real-time data processing capabilities that detect trends, anomalies, and critical events in the blink of an eye, redefining how your organization leverages data to drive growth and innovation. With our Real-time Data Processing capability, powered by Confluent and Hasura, you gain the agility and responsiveness needed to stay ahead in an ever-evolving landscape.


Microservices Architecture

Embrace the future of scalable and agile application development with Microservices Architecture. Our expertise in Microservices, enhanced by Confluent, empowers you to build a modular and flexible ecosystem where independent services seamlessly communicate and collaborate. This architecture enables rapid development, easy maintenance, and effortless scaling, allowing your organization to respond to changing demands with ease, and gain agility to rapidly respond to evolving business needs.

Confluent, built on Apache Kafka, provides a powerful platform for event streaming and real-time data integration, enabling efficient communication and data exchange between microservices. By leveraging Confluent, we ensure that your microservices architecture benefits from robust, fault-tolerant, and scalable data pipelines, enhancing the overall efficiency and responsiveness of your applications.

With our Microservices Architecture capability, powered by Confluent, you achieve unprecedented levels of flexibility, efficiency, and innovation to optimize your IT landscape. This empowers you to deliver exceptional user experiences and drive innovation with speed and precision.


Data Virtualization

Simplify data access and utilization through our Data Virtualization solution, powered by Denodo. By creating a unified virtual layer that abstracts underlying data sources, we enable you to access, query, and analyze information beyond physical constraints, providing unified access to dispersed data domains without the need for complex data movement.

Denodo's advanced data virtualization capabilities facilitate seamless integration and real-time data access across diverse sources, ensuring that your data remains consistent and up-to-date. With Denodo, we empower your teams with on-demand data availability, enabling agile insights and decision-making as data no longer remains siloed.

This approach accelerates decision-making and fosters an environment where exploring, analyzing, and innovating can occur without boundaries. Embrace the power of Denodo’s data virtualization to unlock the full potential of your data assets, driving efficiency and innovation across your organization.

Database Management

Big Data Management

Harness the power of your data with our comprehensive Big Data Management solutions, powered by Cloudera. We help you conquer the challenges of handling massive volumes of structured and unstructured data, managing the complexities of vast and diverse data sources with ease.

Cloudera's robust platform provides scalable data storage, processing, and analysis capabilities, enabling your organization to effectively manage and utilize its vast data resources. By leveraging Cloudera's advanced tools, we ensure that your big data infrastructure is optimized for performance, reliability, and security.

Our expertise spans the entire data lifecycle, from ingestion and storage to processing and analysis, ensuring that you can uncover valuable insights, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. With our Big Data Management capability, powered by Cloudera, you can shape the future of your business, unlocking growth and gaining a competitive advantage over your competitors.


Advanced Data Analytics & Machine Learning

Empower your organization with the potential of data science and machine learning through our Advanced Data Analytics expertise, powered by Dataiku. Our team of skilled data scientists leverages cutting-edge algorithms and models to unlock valuable insights from your data.

Dataiku's comprehensive platform facilitates the entire data science lifecycle, from data preparation and exploration to model building and deployment. By utilizing Dataiku, we uncover hidden patterns and trends, enabling you to make strategic decisions and predictive forecasts that drive success.

Armed with data-driven decision-making, your organization gains a competitive edge, optimizes operations, and fosters innovation. With our Advanced Data Analytics & Machine Learning capability, enhanced by Dataiku, we help you unleash the true power of data intelligence and revolutionize how you leverage data for strategic growth.

Data Analytic

Self-Service Visual Analytics

Give your teams the power of data exploration with our Self-service Visual Analytics solutions, powered by Tableau. We empower business users to create intuitive visualizations and dashboards, enabling them to uncover trends, analyze data, and discover insights without relying on technical expertise, and presenting the insights with ease.

Tableau’s user-friendly platform transforms complex data into meaningful stories, making it easy for your teams to understand trends and communicate data-driven narratives effectively. By leveraging Tableau, we enable your organization to create interactive and visually compelling analytics that drive understanding and decision-making.

With our Self-service Visual Analytics capability, enhanced by Tableau, you can unlock a culture of data empowerment and collaboration. This empowers your organization to make faster, more informed decisions and unleash the power of data across the entire organization.

Data Warehouse

Data Governance

Data Governance forms the backbone of a well-structured and compliant data environment. Leveraging the capabilities of Talend and Denodo, we help your organization establish robust data policies, data quality standards, and data privacy measures.

Talend's powerful data integration and quality tools ensure that your data remains accurate, consistent, and reliable across all sources. By incorporating Talend, we enhance data quality management, providing a strong foundation for your data governance strategy.

Denodo’s advanced data virtualization platform enables seamless access and management of your data assets, ensuring that critical information is both protected and accessible to authorized users. With Denodo, we facilitate real-time data integration and governance without the need for complex data movement, maintaining data integrity and security.

With a focus on security and data integrity, our Data Governance solutions, powered by Talend and Denodo, enable you to manage data with confidence. This ensures that critical information is accurate, protected, and accessible to authorized users. Embrace our Data Governance capability to instill trust, ensure compliance, and maximize the value of your data in your data-driven decision-making.

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